Grace Biblical Counseling

 Grace Biblical Counseling exists to
minister guidance and hope for everyday life through the sufficiency of God's Word.


The Problem

The problems of life can be overwhelming. But what we call "problems," God calls opportunities for spiritual growth. By God's grace and according to His Word, problems are for solving. We all need help to be the kind of people God wants us to be. But many do not know how to change and grow biblically. Instead, many are looking for an easy and instantaneous answer. God in His Word has graciously revealed all we need to know about the process of spiritual growth. We must choose between quick-fixes, shortcuts, spiritual anemia, and a biblical theology of growth and change.


The Process

We are here to help and want to be part of God's provision for you. We have several trained counselors (ACBC certified) who would be happy to meet with you. Our counseling services are free-of-charge and typically continue for six to ten weeks, as long as progress is being made. Each session lasts about an hour. We will ask for a commitment from you to participate in each session and to complete assigned homework. Please bring your Bibles to each session. We will provide you with a Bible if necessary. If you are currently part of another church, we encourage you to seek the counsel of your pastoral leadership or other more mature believers. We recommend this because your church is already committed to your spiritual growth and the relationships you are developing with them play a powerful role in your personal holiness.
That being said, again, we would be pleased to meet with you and be part of God's work in your lives.


The Preparation

We will schedule a meeting with you once we have received the following forms from you:

Data Inventory Form

Counseling Agreement

These forms are provided for you to help your counselor get to know you and your particular situation. Each person to be receiving counsel should complete each form completely and truthfully.


The Publications

The Complete Husband
by Lou Priolo

The Excellent Wife
by Martha Peace

Strengthening Your Marriage
by Wayne Mack

Instructing a Child's Heart
by Tedd & Margy Tripp

Uprooting Anger
by Robert Jones

The Peacemaker
by Ken Sande

The Peace and Joy Principle
by Joe Propri

From Pride to Humility
by Stuart Scott

Communication and Conflict Resolution
by Stuart Scott

Preparing for Marriage God's Way
by Wayne Mack

(Many more titles are available in the Grace Community Church Resource Center)


The Provision

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
Romans 15:4 (ESV)

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.
2 Timothy 3:16 (ESV)


For more information:
Grace Biblical Counseling
2008 North Highway 56
PO Box 2186
Glen Rose, TX 76043
(254) 897-3320